Best TV Series to Watch

Best TV Series to Watch


There are so many tv shows that are easy and bland to watch. You can tune in with us for the updated list of hallucinatory series with mixed bags of genres.

Rocket Boys

Everybody knows Dr. Homi J. Bhabha and Dr. Vikram Sarabhai. The two pillars of Indian Space and Nuclear technology. They have dreams in their eyes and a great thought in their minds which can change the future of India completely. Abhay Pannu portrays the biography of both so well that you can fill with patriotism after watching the series. It all started in the garage and the journey from scrape to National level that create history. The story is set around the three crucial decades in the history of India and how the nation is moving towards being strong, brave, and independent. We see Jim Sarbh as Dr. Bhabha and Ishwak Singh as Dr. Sarabhai doing spectacular acting and doing justice to the role. Along with entertainment, it is a challenging task to explain the scientific refinement to the viewer, Rocket Boys fulfills this responsibility with seriousness. We all feel love for our nation and want to do something but there are so few people who did marvelous things for the country. But it’s not always a pretty picture because dreams don’t become reality through magic it takes sweat, determination, and hard work. With all such mixed emotion, let’s witnessed how India become Nuclear Power and launch its first Rocket.
IMBD rating:- 9.3/10


How do you feel when your favorite John Cena is a superhero and saving the world. Peacemaker is nothing but the sequel to the very famous ” Suicide Squad “. Characters and plot are presented in a way that makes them believable and nothing feels extended. John Cena, as a Peacemaker is horrible yet complicated and always makes a fuss at the same time he wants to do something good. Director James Gunn again proves that he knows how to handle an ensemble cast by giving everyone their moment to shine. Peacemaker brings the same charisma and humor from “The Suicide Squad”. While watching the series you just turn your brain and enjoy Cena cracking jokes. Danielle Brooks as Leota Adebayo steals many scenes she is witty but she really cares about those around her. Jennifer Holland plays the rough and tough Emilia Harcourt she loves to be badass and trust me some levels we also love to be like her. The show is pretty cool that till the end of the episode you are on your toes to find out what happens next. The series is full of action, comedy, and adventure for their power-packed performance and every action that looks realistic show stands on the IMBD rating of 8.4/10.

The Wheel Of Time

The Wheel Of Time is a series of fantasy novels by American author Robert Jordan. The Wheel of Time is notable for its detailed imaginary world, magic system, and large cast of characters. The wheel takes place in a world where magic referred to as “the one power” exists but is largely the region of a group of women known as the Aes Sedai. The Sedai woman uses their power to make peace in the world. The popular Sedai “Moraine” is on the secret mission for the dragon reborn who saves the world from the dark. On this journey, she reaches two rivers surprised to find four potential candidates, bowman- Rand (Josha Stradowski), kind bartender- Egwene (Madeleine Madden), ironsmith- Perrin (Marcus Rutherford), and the hooker- Mat (Barney Harris) — plus a local healer Nynaeve (Zoë Robins) with intriguing abilities. After the suspicious species attacked the village, Moiraine convince the four youngsters to plunge on a mission to Tar Valon, the seat of Aes Sedai power where they should be safe. The drama is set in the ancient period with the panoramic scenery making it even more fantastical. Let’s join the compelling Moraine in the journey of identifying the Dragon reborn and how they save the world from the dark. With so much popularity show grabbed 7.2/10.

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